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Symptoms for a heart attack

Welcome to Novena Heart Centre, Know about HEART ATTACK - symptoms disease, treatment. Novena Heart is national heart center and available Cardiologist Singapore.
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First consultation charge  
$100 -300

Follow-up consultation charge  
$80 - $100

Electrocardiogram (ECG) 

Exercise Treadmill    

Transthoracic Echocardiogram (2D Echo)

Exercise Stress Echocardiogram        

Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram 

24 hour Holter monitoring

24 hour ambulatory BP monitoring    

Tilt Table Testing     

Transtelephonic ECG        

Carotid Intimal Media Thickness       

Cardiac Resyncronization Study         

Ankle Brachial Pulse Wave Velocity / Pressure Index

Central Aortic Systolic Pressure 

Signal Averaged Electrocardiogram   

Ambulatory Heart Telemetry Monitoring   
$500 - $1,500

Chest pain that occurs suddenly can be very disturbing and sometimes frightening. It can be due to a myriad of causes, from something as simple as a muscle strain to something dangerous like a heart attack. It can only be conclusively determined by visiting a physician. Unfortunately, there are people who try to sleep it off only to find out later that they had a heart attack. For the treatment of heart attacks, time is of the essence, the earlier it is recognized and treated, the better the outcomes..
Heart failure is currently the fastest growing problem due to the ageing population as well as the increase in incidence of coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. It is also a chronic problem which is associated with frequent hospitalizations and many debilitating symptoms..
If you’ve been diagnosed with a heart condition or intending to participate in strenuous activities such as Triathlon or Wakeboarding, it is essential to consider every alternative. That’s why we at Novena Heart Centre offer the Heart 2nd Opinion Program..

The heart is made up of two upper chambers called the atrium and two lower chambers called the ventricles. The upper and lower chambers are divided into the right and left sides by a septum. The upper septum is called the inter-atrial septum and the lower septum is called the inter-ventricular septum. The blood vessels connected to the atria are the vena cava on the right side and the pulmonary veins on the left side. The blood vessels connected to the ventricles are the pulmonary artery on the right side and the aorta on the left side. There are valves that regulate the direction of blood flow through the heart.
The valve that sits between the right atria (RA) and ventricle (RV) is called the tricuspid valve and correspondingly, the valve that sits between the left atria (LA) and the left ventricle (LV) is called the mitral valve. There are also valves that sit at the entrance of the blood vessels that connect to the ventricles and they are named after those blood vessels, for example the valve that sits at the entrance of the pulmonary artery is called the pulmonary valve and the valve that sits at the entrance of the aorta is called the aortic valve.
